I love books...and you?

I love to read. I've always one or two books on my bedside table and just cannot sleep if I don't read a little while before.

Also I'm a bookaholic...Yes a sort of shopaholic, but related to books. I don't feel I've spent a good day shopping, if I don't enter a bookshop and buy maybe just one book.

In many of your wonderful blogs I've seen that you also, dear friends, have a love for books and reading. And sometimes you dedicate a post to a book that really captured you...

So I was thinking that it could be nice to share the books we have read and that we have loved most.

Maybe giving some advices and suggesting some titles, or just talking about the book we are reading... Find a place where sharing tips and talk about books (maybe with a good cup of tea, and some chocolate too!!! eheheh!).

Yes a sort of book club. What do you think? I would love to call it:


In my mind I was thinking about using Linky Tools to create a sort of link party.

 So, how will it work?

I would held this book club on my blog every two Fridays or just one time a month (what do you think it's better?).

All you have to do, is link up a post of yours about a book you have read and have loved, to my Books Cafè post to partecipate to this event.

You cant talk about whatever book you want, I just want you to consider it a little corner where friends have fun sharing some info about the books you are reading or have read and enjoyed. Also you can write in English or Italian, as you like. I think that talking about books, is a funny way to make new friends and discover common interests!

So on Friday July 2nd I will post about the book I've just read and enjoyed.
If you fancy this idea, you can link up with a post of yours and talk about a book too.

I don't know if you will like this idea, please let me know what do you think about it! =) If you like it, I would love to create a theme for each Books Cafè Event: drama, comedy, the most funny book I've read, the most romantic book I've read and so on.

So, please, let me know your opinion, I will be very grateful!!

* photos by me - sorry for the poor quality, but I think that my camera is going to leave me, sigh!

20 commenti

  1. Have enjoyed reading your posts so very much. I love books too and think this is a wonderful idea!

  2. A bookaholic? That's what I am! I didn't have a name for it but now that I've read your post I know what my problem is - I'm addicted to books! Love knowing that I'm not the only one.

  3. Ciao Mara!! Non sono mai stata in un bookclub ma mi piacerebbe tantissimo! Io ci sto!! Anch'io sono bookaholic.... bella idea!! xx

  4. Lovely idea. I have been in a book group for years - happy to share some of those that we have really loved.

  5. La tua idea è davvero carina e mi piace tantissimo, anche perchè anch'io sono letteralmente una divoratrice di libri!^_^
    Un bacio, Eleonora

  6. Mara, I think it is a fantastic idea. I also read a lot and love to get like minds to read some of the wonderful books I have read.

  7. Sounds like a great idea. Most of the books I read are ones that friends recommended so it would be great to share our reading with others. Looking forward to your July 2nd post.

  8. What should I say??? I LOVE books!!! And you have a wonderful idea. I would like to join your club, but honestly right now, I am very busy with a project, so that I don't post very regulary. But if I could join your club later??? Hugs Yvonne

  9. A wonderful idea Mara, brilliant! I'll definitely join in if I have time. My husband is like you, he can't sleep without reading something, no matter how tired he is! Rachaelxx

  10. Hi Mara. Brilliant! I will certainly join in...I too am a bookaholic although alas I'm reading less now that I'm blogging. Need to fix that!

  11. Count me in! I'm a book lover for sure.

  12. Ciao Mara, è una bellissima idea, anche perchè la lettura è tra le mie passioni!!!
    Sbirciando i titoli dei tuoi libri, ne ho riscontrati molti in comune!!!
    Personalmente penso che una volta al mese sia sufficente, giusto per dare il tempo magari di terminare il libro che si stà leggendo!!!
    Sai io leggo quasi sempre quando vado a letto, quindi non sono velocissima!!! AHAHAHAH
    Baci e buona giornata Annamaria

  13. Ciao Mara belissima idea, in america va molto vero?..almeno in tantissimi film si vedono i bookclub in casa, troppo forte!
    Un bacione

  14. Ciao Mara! trovo che la tua idea sia fantastica, anch'io ho da sempre una passione sfrenata per la lettura e devo assolutamente avere sempre almeno un libro a portata di mano, altrimenti vado in crisi. Potrei tranquillamente vivere senza TV ma senza i libri MAI!!! Aderisco al club..secondo me per ora dovresti provare ogni 15giorni, puoi aggiustare il tiro in seguito se non funziona..
    ci penso su un po' e poi
    se mi viene qualche illuminazione ti scrivo un e-mail
    un bacione

  15. Mara, this is a very fun idea!
    Since my kids are on summer holiday
    right now, I wouldn't be able to join immediately, but I will still pop over and see what everyone else is up to! I also LOVE my books. My husband keeps wanting to buy me an e-reader, but there is something about holding them in my hands and seeing them on my shelves that would be hard to give up! xx Suzanne

  16. Anche io adoro leggere. Anche le foto che fai sono belle.


  17. Just found your blog - it is so lovely. I like the book club idea. I have so many books, I can't live without them. My 11 year old son is a prolific reader too. He has just finished a 300 page novel in 2 and a half days. I will visit back often and put you on my sidebar. Hope you can visit me too.

  18. Hi Mara:) I think it is a wonderful idea and would love to join in, although the only books I will probably be reading are textbooks for uni ;) Hope you are having a lovely week. Hugs ~ Tina xx

  19. Sounds like fun my friend...I am off for the Summer and this is when I get most of the books read on my list...would love some new titles! Hugs for a great weekend. xoxo

  20. Ciao Mara,
    anch'io adoro leggere ma tutte le volte non riesco mai a trovare il tempo necessario.. approfitterò di questi mesi per farlo!!


Thank you for visiting me! All your comments make me happy! I will read each one carefully and respond to them!